Frequently asked
You ask - we answer. The most frequently asked questions of our customers about memon, electrosmog and negative environmental influences.
memon simply explained
Welcome to the memon FAQ page.
On this page we answer the most frequently asked questions about memon.
If you want to learn more about our technology or have any other question, please feel free to contact our competent service team.
What is electrosmog and where does it occur?
Electrosmog is a colloquial term for the daily stresses caused by technically generated, artificial electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and radiation (EMF, EMS). Electrosmog is therefore a description of electromagnetic radiation exposure.
Electrosmog is initially generated wherever current flows (EMF). The largest area of electrosmog includes electromagnetic radiation. This is created by mobile radio systems, WLAN transmitters and wireless technology. Electromagnetic radiation exposure has increased massively in recent years. People and the environment are now exposed to this pollution 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Is electrosmog harmful?
The harmfulness of electrosmog is the subject of controversial debate around the world. However, there are now around 1,000 scientific studies worldwide that scientifically demostrate the harmful biological effects of electrosmog (see study board "Biological effects of electrosmog"). As a result, more and more doctors and scientists worldwide are calling for further densification of the digital infrastructure (such as the 5G expansion) to be stopped.
Already in 2002, several doctors appealed to those responsible in the health care system and in politics as well as to the public in the so-called Freiburg Appeal. In this, they pointed out a clear temporal and spatial relationship between the occurrence of certain diseases and the onset of radio exposure.
In 2019, more than 180 scientists and medical professionals from 36 countries appealed to the European Union and warned of the dangers of 5G. The scientists called on the EU to follow a Council of Europe resolution calling for an independent task force to reassess the health consequences.
Do the legal limits protect me?
Limit values in exposure guidelines are based only on the thermal effect of electrosmog, e.g. on the heating of tissue. The limit values established in this context are therefore not suitable for making statements as to whether and how an organism is protected from the non-thermal (athermal) effects of radiation. The studies published on the Study Board "Biological effects of electrosmog" were carried out exclusively with radiation exposures (radiation exposures) that are significantly below the legal limits. All these studies show biological effects due to radiation exposure (athermal effects).
Who should protect themselves from electrosmog?
Protection against electrosmog is recommended for everyone. Since we are now within wifi or mobile phone range 24 hours a day, we are under the influence of electromagnetic radiation exposure around the clock. With this permanent exposure to high-frequency, pulsed radiation, every organism is overwhelmed in the long run.
Which electrosmog sources are there in vehicles?
Nowadays, up to 8,000 meters of cable, up to 60 microprocessors and countless transmitters that generate low- and high-frequency electromagnetic fields and radiation are already installed in a mid-range passenger car. In addition, there is multimedia technology such as GPS, voice recognition and much more. Almost every vehicle – no matter what class - has equipment based on wireless communication. The more technical comfort, the higher the load. The radiation exposure is additionally potentiated by electromobility.
Does a shield protect me?
When shielding electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic fields, a mechanical barrier is built up so that radiation from the outside (e.g. from mobile phone masts) cannot penetrate inside. Nevertheless, electrical devices present indoors generate electromagnetic fields and radiation, so that electrosmog is still present in supposedly protected interiors. In particular, when digital technology (WLAN, mobile phone, etc.) is used, radiation can increase significantly, so that shielding can even have adverse effects.
What is 5G?
5G is the fifth generation of the mobile communications standard. 5G is mainly used in frequency ranges from 2 GHz to 5 GHz. The frequency range from 3.4 GHz to 3.8 GHz plays an important role here. In this range, frequency bands with a bandwidth of up to 300 MHz can be used, which should enable much larger data transmission. The bandwidth for uploads and downloads in the third mobile radio generation (3G) was only 10 MHz each.
How can 5G affect biological organisms?
The fifth generation of mobile communications uses high frequencies of artificial electromagnetic radiation. Numerous studies have already shown a clear relationship between high-frequency radiation – such as mobile radio radiation – and health side effects for the previous mobile radio generations (2G-4G). 5G, like all previous cellular standards, has an impact on people's health. However, the 5G expansion will further consolidate the mobile radio network, so that the radiation will also continue to increase massively. If there were 78,000 antennas and radio masts nationwide in 2018, there should be 750,000 transmitters with a nationwide 5G expansion.
Does memon also protect against the effects of 5G?
The memon technology "detects" all artificial electromagnetic fields and radiation (EMF and EMS) and is able to compensate for the stresses of all non-natural radiations for biological organisms (plant, animal and human), thus also those of 5G.
Fine particulate matter
What is particulate matter?
All dust particles smaller than 10 micrometers (µm) are called fine dust (PM10). For comparison: a human hair has a diameter of 70 microns. Fine dust consists of a coarse fraction with particles from 2.5 µm to 10 µm, as well as a fine fraction smaller than 2.5 µm (PM 2.5).
Where does fine dust occur?
Fine dust occurs practically everywhere where dust particles are produced. This is done both indoors and outdoors. In the outdoor area, road traffic and construction activities are especially important sources of fine dust. Fine dust not only gets into the air from engines, but also from brake, tyre and road wear as well as from the swirling of the dust on the road surface. In the interior, fine dust particles are produced by cooking, heating, cleaning and material evaporation (e.g. from furniture and carpet fibers). In addition, there is the fine dust that enters the interior from outside.
Indoors, artificial electromagnetic fields ensure that the surface charges of air ions change and deposited fine dust particles no longer attract each other (as would be natural) and sink to the ground, but rather repel each other and remain as "shimmering" particles in the room air. There, these fine dust particles can be inhaled and enter the lungs and, in some cases, even the bloodstream.
The fine dust from laser printers (magnetite) can be regarded as particularly concerning indoors.
Is fine dust harmful?
Short- and long-term health effects of particulate matter have been known for several decades. Permanent exposure to fine dust can lead to serious damage to health.
This is not only the case when hazardous substances such as heavy metals accumulate on the surface of dusts. The dust particles themselves also pose a health risk. The smaller the particles, the deeper they get into the lungs. Coarse fine dust is usually caught in the nose, whereas finer particles (particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers) can penetrate deeper into the lungs: into the bronchi, bronchioles and also into the alveoli, the so-called alveoli. Ultrafine particles (particles smaller than 100 nanometers) penetrate even into deep cell levels of the lungs and can also enter the blood or the lymphatic system from there.
The long-term effects of breathable fine dust particles, which are formed during exposure for months and years, have an effect on the respiratory tract, the cardiovascular system, the metabolism and the nervous system. A short-term high load (lasting hours or days), can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
How does memon technology work with fine dust?
The memon technology ensures indoors that the fine dust particles attract each other, become heavier and sink to the ground. In this way, they can no longer be inhaled. The memon technology was able to document this effect in a variety of scientific air ion and fine dust measurements.
The memon technology achieves this effect by modulating certain information on the electromagnetic field of the respective object current. This modulation causes a change in the quality of the effect of the electromagnetic field on the surface charge of air ions indoors. Measurements have shown that the number concentration of the air ions increases and fine dust particles bound to these ions attract each other again and – as is normal in a natural environment unaffected by electromagnetic fields – sink to the ground. These fine dust particles can no longer be inhaled.
Water pollution
Why is it useful to use a memonizerWATER for the renaturation of tap water? How does memon technology work with water?
Tap water in Central European regions is one of the most strictly controlled sources of water. Nevertheless, sewage treatment plants are only partially able to remove pharmaceutical or toxicologically active substances (such as glyphosate from agricultural leaching) from the water. A relative background load is therefore present to a certain extent in all water. In addition, measurements have shown that water molecules change under the influence of electromagnetic fields and radiation (EMF and EMS).
This is where the memonizerWATER comes in. It ensures a renaturation of the water. Memon technology can correct disturbances in the water by restoring the natural structure of the water molecules, so that material loads no longer have a negative effect.
Is maintenance of memon products necessary?
The memon products are maintenance-free. The exception to this is the memonizerWATERFILTER, the wearing part s of which must be changed.
What is the lifespan of the memonizers?
The memon products are durable. With proper handling, proper installation and adherence to the specified dimensioning (e.g. after relocation), a service life of about 20 years can be assumed. This assumption is based on observations of long-installed products. It refers to the storage capacity of the information. Material wear of mobile products (such as memonizerBODY, BOTTLE and CARAFE) can occur significantly earlier due to everyday use.
What do I have to consider when moving?
In principle, the memon products can be taken with you. In order to be able to determine the most suitable, optimal variant and size of the memonizer for your new home / business location, we recommend individual advice from our competent and experienced service team. Feel free to call us or send an email.
Can I take the memonizer with me when I travel?
For travel, there is a specially compiled memonizer travel set for temporary use in hotel rooms and flats/holiday homes. Please note that the memonizers that you have in use in your home must remain at the installation site to ensure continuous follow-up information.
Questions about memonizerBODY or memonizerPendant?
Should I remove the memonizerBODY/PENDANT at night?
The memonizerBODY/PENDANT is intended for wearing outside the harmonised environment. In a memon harmonised environment, wearing the memonizerBODY/PENDANT is not necessary.
Can I use the memonizerBODY/PENDANT for showering or swimming?
Yes, this is possible.
Does the memonizerBODY/PENDANT also work in your pocket?
The memonizerBODY/PENDANT is intended exclusively for wearing on the wrist or around the neck; skin contact is important here. The memonizerBODY/PENDANT does not have the desired effect when carried in the trouser pocket.